Digital Consultancy and Development
I’m doing less of this stuff now so this single page represents what used to be a whole web site. I don’t do much of the corporate or SME stuff anymore but I do do community and creative stuff. Things like Digital Story Telling, Digital Image Creation/ Manipulation, Blogging, Music, Internet Radio/Podcasts, Digital Audio.. I also do a range of talks to Ladies Luncheon Clubs, Retirement Clubs, U3A and Women’s Institutes etc. I’m also running a band performing songs I wrote for Sheena, Elkie and Celine and more
If you would like to discuss any of these are my contact details: or 07795 826 953
My Bio
Steve Thompson has been a Steelworker a record producer, a hit songwriter, and an educator. He has been described by “Future Democracy” as “one of Europe’s most original thinkers on community engagement using new technologies”.
He has taught wikis in a Museum in Vienna, social media deep in a forest in Poland, multimedia in Germany and lectured in Heavy Metal at the University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki.
Steve has taught classes in Higher Education at degree level, in Further Education Colleges as well as primary and secondary schools. He also works with community groups often instigating innovative and creative projects involving everyone from the youngsters to those not so young.
“We pay tribute to the innovative and inspiring ‘model’ of ICT learning and support established by Steve Thompson and look forward to seeing it emulated more widely” From “A Sense of Adventure” published by Loughborough University, November 2012.